Supporting Actuaries in the Development of Sustainable Risk Management Solutions for Caribbean Social and Economic Systems
The Caribbean Actuarial Association (CAA) was officially formed in Jamaica in December 1991. Its birth represented the culmination of the efforts of a number of actuaries who worked in the Caribbean region. Their aim was to create an actuarial body that would have issues of concern to the region as its primary focus. The CAA’s Constitution was adopted on December 3, 1993.
The main objective of the CAA is to encourage and support the development of actuarial science in the Caribbean. The Association also strives to maintain the high standards and image of the actuarial profession.
To further these objectives, the Association has developed a Code of Conduct, a Disciplinary Process and Standards of Practice. The Association is currently developing new Standards of Practice.
Membership is open to all persons who live and work in the Caribbean region and have an interest in actuarial matters.
To ensure the continuity of the profession, we must expand our sphere of influence by assuming new actuarial roles within our various communities:
as managers, not just providers of information
as volunteers who can reach all sectors of society and show the public what we do and how our skills can improve their way of life
as leaders in both the public and private sectors with the power to influence decisions affecting the public

Board of Directors
The Caribbean Actuarial Association is governed by a Board of Directors. The current president is Judy Veira. To contact, send email to president@caribbeanactuaries.com.
Should you have any concerns, suggestions or comments on the Association, Please feel free to approach any of these Board members.