The Stephen Alleyne Scholarship

This Scholarship is awarded annually to a final year student of the BSc degree programme in Actuarial Science at the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus. Candidates must have a record of strong academic performance.

Stephen Alleyne, FFA, was a founding Member of the Association, who served on its Executive Council from 1992 to 1998 holding several positions including First Vice President. He was the first qualified Barbadian actuary to serve as the Appointed Actuary of a local insurance company, and was the President and CEO of Life of Barbados Limited.

The Scholarship award is US$2,500. 

Candidates for the Scholarship must

  • be CARICOM nationals in their final year of the BSc degree in Actuarial Science at the Mona Campus of the University of the West Indies

  • have a B+ average or its equivalent and must maintain this average for the duration of the award

  • be in financial need

The application Form may be downloaded from the UWI website here and returned to the UWI Office of Student Financing by the stipulated deadline.

Please email us at for further details or contact the Office of Student Financing, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus.

The CAA Actuarial Science Scholarship

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the CAA Actuarial Science Scholarship will be awarded in memory of the late W. ST. ELMO WHITE

The Scholarship award is US$1,500. 

Candidates for the Scholarship must

  • be CARICOM nationals

  • be in their second, third or final year of an accredited actuarial science undergraduate program at universities located in the Caribbean (namely, University of the West Indies UWI Mona, UWI St. Augustine or University of Technology, Jamaica (UTECH))

  • have a minimum GPA of 3.0

How to Apply:

Email the following to

  • CAA Application Form

  • Unofficial Transcript

  • Resume (including 2 References)

The application deadline is December 15, 2024 and the scholarship will be awarded in January 2025.

Caribbean Actuarial Scholarship

The Caribbean Actuarial Scholarship is an annual award to University of the West Indies (UWI) actuarial student(s) who demonstrate a strong record of accomplishment, leadership qualities and commitment to becoming an actuary. 

The Caribbean Actuarial Scholarship was established in 2008 in memory of Basil L. and Monica G. Virtue by their son-in-law, S. Michael McLaughlin, FSA, FIA, MAAA, CERA, an actuary who graduated from UWI.

The Scholarship award(s) covers educational expenses. The Actuarial Foundation awards this scholarship in the following levels:

$2,000 – student entering second year of studies and
$3,000 – student entering third year of studies. 

Further information about this scholarship can be found here.

Fullerton-Long Caribbean Scholarship

Endowed by Norbert Fullerton and Andrew Long, both UWI graduates, in association with the IFoA Foundation.

The scholarship programme will initially provide funding for tuition and aims to offer mentorship and internships. The Fund is offered to Commonwealth Caribbean students from the University of the West Indies, Mona and St. Augustine campuses. For more information about the Fullerton-Long Scholarship click here.

Examination Refunds

Students who are enrolled in the BSc degree programme in Actuarial Science at the Mona and St. Augustine Campuses of the University of the West Indies are eligible for financial support for examination fees for the Society of Actuaries P (Probability) and FM (Financial Mathematics) examinations.

Students must meet certain criteria set by the CAA and they must apply for the Society of Actuaries’ reduced examination fees where available.


  1. This programme covers the Society of Actuaries' P (Probability) and FM (Financial Mathematics) exams only.

  2. The CAA reimburses the examination fees for the top ten performers in each academic year who must have A averages. Examination fees are covered for exams taken during the year after which the students attain their top 10 ranking.

  3. The CAA will only provide reimbursement for one attempt per exam. Reimbursement is made regardless of exam result.

  4. The coordinator of the Actuarial Science programme will provide the CAA’s Secretariat with all of the information required so that the top ten students can be notified that they are eligible for exam reimbursement.

  5. The CAA will inform the students, directly or through the coordinator, that they are eligible for exam reimbursements under this programme.

  6. Students may decide which examination to sit and when to sit it, except that students are not eligible for this support for exams taken after they have graduated.

  7. Students must apply for the Society of Actuaries’ reduced exam fees, where available

  8. Students must provide proof of payment for each exam taken by way of exam receipt and proof of exam attendance by way of transcript or grade slip.

Please email us at for further details on this initiative.