CAA Weekly News Update -9th September
Stay tuned for the Financial Services Commission of Jamaica’s webinar, Actuarial Valuation Results: What Do They Mean For Your Pension Plan? 10:00-11:00am EST on 29th September from 10:00-11:00am EST. The webinar will be presented by the CAA’s Constance Hall.
Check out The New Actuary: Interview with Dr. the Hon. Nigel Clarke, Jamaica’s Minister of Finance and the Public Service, on our social media pages.
The Insurance Association of the Caribbean presents Insurance Masterclass:
Group Medical Insurance, with Trevor Hugh B. Stewart DBA, on 14th September from 9:00-11:00am EST.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Barbados’ Public Sector Conference – Rethink Retool Realign on the 16th September in Barbados.
Barbados NIS:
Government of Barbados Press Briefing on the National Insurance Scheme with PM Mia Mottley, NIS Actuary Derek Osborne and others. (YouTube 1:47)
Our NIS – The Way Forward (YouTube 1:57)
Watch April’s Social Security: What Lies Ahead? and other past CAA webcasts anytime on our YouTube Channel.
Cathy Lyn and her Diversity team of Tonya Manning, Marjorie Ngwenya, Lesley Traverso and Mitesh Sheth presents on 21st September. Kudzai Chigiji and other friends of the CAA are also included in the Programme.